This year again, the CARE concept of Couleur Café maintains its hybrid form composed of a Care Team (at the festival and the campsite) of caring volunteers, a Care Zone, association stands, gender-neutral toilets and free sanitary pads thanks to collaboration with BruZelle

Discover more at the bottom of this page.

A CARE helpline is available for festival-goers throughout the entire festival, 24/7. It is anonymous and also available via WhatsApp: 0470 09 99 01.

Couleur Café Care Policy

This policy applies to everyone who works at or visits Couleur Café.

● Respect each other’s space and pay attention to the people around you.
● Ask and respect consent (it has to be: Mutual, Enthusiastic, Aware, Voluntary, Specific).
● The use of alcohol or other substances is never an excuse. Handle yourself and your drunkenness.
● Verbal and physical violence won’t be tolerated. Ever.
Discrimination, of any kind (like sexism, transphobia, racism, validism, grossophobia...), won’t be tolerated. Ever.

If you are a witness to or a victim of unacceptable behavior, the Care Team* and Care Zone** are at your disposal.  

Post-event: If you feel that our procedures for dealing with violence are not adequate or if you saw or endured a violent experience during this event, please contact us!

*the members of the Care Team have a pink shirt and a balloon. 
**the Care Zone is situated next to the Red Cross. 
See map in the festival app and below in "Care Zone"